Ozone Odor Removal Service North Carolina

Ozone Generator Rental

Ozone Generator Rental North Carolina
We don’t rent ozone generators for simple reasons:

1. High levels ozone treatment must be done by professional technician who knows what he is doing. It seems easy – but actually every ozone treatment is different considering strength of smell, type of odor, airflow , temperature, strength of ozone level, treatment cycles, moisture, building and ventilation layout.
2. Though the use of an ozone generator seems simple, the facts are that there are a dozen key mistakes that can be made by those who think they know what they are doing. To remove odor permanently you must have special knowledge.
3. Ozone equipment can be misused and could cause serious problems if not properly operated. Common problems with rental ozone generators are: not serviced and cleaned properly, low airflow, low ozone levels produced. Minimum Ozone treatment level is 1000mg/h for 100 sq ft with proper cycle.
4. Some DIY bare-bone ozone generators sold online can be very dangerous if mishandled.
5. By our research – Most Ozone Generators on the market has serious design flaw- as ozone gas is heavier than air – ozone gas must be delivered upwards vertical airflow. Not horizontally as most low grade ozone generators do.

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